Did our moustaches make you giggle yesterday? Well, I thought it would be fun to do a little DIY for those of you with funny monkeys in the house. These are really easy to make, and you probably have all the materials lying around your house already! So here we go...
You'll need black scrapbook or construction paper (or the colour of your choice), bamboo skewers, glue, tape, a pencil and scissors.
Step 1: Draw a moustache on a sheet of paper and cut it out. You can draw them free-hand or find an image from the internet if you aren't comfortable drawing it yourself. This will be your template to ensure all of your moustaches are the same shape and size.
Step 2: Fold your sheet of black paper in half and trace your moustache. Cut it out. You should now have 2 moustaches that when put back to back, line up perfectly.
Step 3: On the back of 1 moustache secure the pointed end of the bamboo skewer using a small piece of tape. If you have a hot glue gun, add a dab of hot glue for extra insurance that the skewer will not wiggle around.
Step 4: Apply glue to the back of the other moustache and stick it to the moustache with the skewer attached so that the bamboo skewer is sandwiched in between. Press out any air bubbles around the skewer and smooth out the moustaches. Let dry.
Step 5: Trim any access paper around the moustache, and voila! You're done!
You can make them any shape, size, colour...it's completely up to you. We found that bamboo skewers worked the best, but you could use popsicle sticks, drinking straws or pipe cleaners too. I also found that scrapbook paper is better than construction paper, because it's thicker and won't buckle or curl up when the glue is applied, but construction paper will work if that's all you have.
Hope you all have fun making your moustaches this weekend, we love ours. Can you tell?