Sunday, January 10, 2010

for you + me...mostly me

Rag Doll, Oliver at the museum by little BIG pants

I've been browsing a lot on Etsy since Christmas, mostly for items for the mini papercut. I've found numerous shoes and coats that I want to get for her, but when it comes to all the little dolls and toys that I am in love with I have to ask myself...who am I really buying this for?

Bowser by Tiddlywinks

Black + White with Yellow Birds Soft Play Blocks by Two Stray Cats

Most, if not all of the toys that I have hearted or am in love with are not age appropriate for her. She's too little to even care, but as I pour over the pages of animals and dolls I realize that I have no intention of letting the mini play with any of them until she's much older, and that my main reason for choosing many is because they would look cute in her room.

Butterscotch Tweed Fox by Sleepy King

Small Apple Tree Clock by Decoylab

So again I ask myself, who is this really for? I have to admit that I think it's mostly for me under the guise that I'm buying for her. Maybe it's because she's my littlest one or maybe it's because everything I've seen is so darn cute that I just can't help myself!

Magnus Elephant Plush Animal Toy by Magnus and Mathilda

Either way, she'll be getting quite a bit of mail in the next little while that will probably bring mommy more joy than her! Oh well, she can play with them when she's older;)

1 comment:

Knotted Nest said...

That elephant is the cutest!