'Sugar and spice and everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.'
...Well that's definitely the case if you're talking about Sugar and Spice by Christine Harling.
You might recall a sweet little doll named Lydia that I blogged about over Christmas. To say that my daughter A loves her is an understatement (I have to admit that I adore her too)! Since then we have purchased 2 more for the mini papercut, and a custom one for A that kinda looks like her:)
You can see how much love was put into each doll, and they all seem to have their own little personalities and charm. We were very lucky to have come across Sugar and Spice while browsing on Etsy one day. Christine Harling is one of my favourite sellers, and a real pleasure to work with! Here's what she had to say when asked a bit about herself and her shop. Enjoy!
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I'm a stay at home mom with three kids, ages 12, 9 and 22 months. I love to create...it helps me get through the long Minnesota winters. It's a lot cheaper than therapy! :)
2. What made you first want to create?
It's always been a part of my life. Ever since I can remember my mom was making things for around the house and for gifts. She always had us working on little craft projects and she even taught arts & crafts classes for kids during the summer.
3. How did you get started?
I started my first home-based business when my first daughter was about 18 months old. I loved staying home with her, but I was a little bored at the same time. I started making homemade dog biscuits and selling them locally. Long story short, that morphed into making dolls. I've been making and selling dolls since 2002. My style has evolved a lot since I first started.
4. What does your workspace look like?
My workspace consists of our kitchen table and my computer desk, which sits in the living room. I'd love to have a studio of my own, but we don't have the space. Plus, it's kind of nice that I'm around the kids even when I'm working.
5. What do you offer in your shop?
Mostly dolls, but also other things made of fabric. Right now I have fabric pears and yo yo and chenille pillows available as well. I love combining lots of colors and patterns in the things that I make.
6. What’s the one piece of advice you could give about starting your own business?
Be dynamic...be open to change. If something doesn't work one way try doing it another way....just don't give up!
7. What 3 words best describe you?
Be sure to stop by Christine's shop on Etsy for more sweet dolls and other goodies!